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E-mail: rzhuaye@126.com

Huaye Glass at the FIT SHOW | 華業(yè)玻璃亮相英國國際玻璃門(mén)窗展覽會(huì ) FIT SHOW

On May 23rd, FIT SHOW 2023 opened at the NEC Pavilion in Birmingham, UK. The booth number of Huaye Glass is J80.

5月23日,備受期待的2023年英國國際玻璃門(mén)窗展覽會(huì )(FIT SHOW 2023)在英國伯明翰NEC展館隆重舉辦盛大開(kāi)幕!華業(yè)玻璃展位號為J80。


Fabricator & Installer Trade Show - FIT Show Is the UK's only professional doors, Windows, glass and glass technology as the theme of the exhibition.

英國伯明翰國際玻璃門(mén)窗展覽會(huì )(Fabricator & Installer Trade Show - FIT Show)是英國唯一的專(zhuān)業(yè)以門(mén)窗、玻璃和玻璃技術(shù)為主題的展覽會(huì )。



At the exhibition site, Huaye Glass, with its outstanding products, green and sustainable development of new technology and professional on-site services, has been widely concerned by visitors from all over the world, and expressed their willingness to further visit the company.

在展會(huì )現場(chǎng),華業(yè)玻璃憑借杰出的產(chǎn)品、綠色可持續發(fā)展的新技術(shù)和專(zhuān)業(yè)的現場(chǎng)服務(wù),受到了來(lái)自全球觀(guān)展客商的廣泛關(guān)注,并表示愿意到公司進(jìn)一步考察交流。

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